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Law Clerk at Stange Law Firm

I spent the fall semester of my first year of law school working as a paid law clerk at Stange Law Firm, PC in Columbia, Missouri. I worked there 14 hours per week during the semester and picked up a multitude of skills in the process. My role consisted primarily of drafting legal documents to be filed with the court and sent to opposing counsel. I learned and repeatedly practiced how to turn the facts of a client's case into motions, petitions, and notices of different varieties. I was responsible for accomplishing tasks assigned to me by my supervising attorneys and for billing my hours during that process. For references capable of detailing the specifics of my work product and efforts on the job, consult my Resume tab. 




Intern at the Western District of Missouri


I worked as an intern for Judge Stephen R. Bough of the Western District of Missouri federal district court during the winter break of my first year of law school (Winter 2021-2022). During my internship I witnessed many civil and criminal proceedings in the WDMO federal courthouse and got to meet judges on the court. I was also tasked with conducting case law research for a number of different cases that Judge Bough was presiding over at the time, and submitted several memorandums of my findings to Judge Bough and his law clerks. For references regarding my work at the WDMO, please contact me and I will relay Judge Bough's information to serve as a reference. 

Summer Associate at Shook, Hardy, & Bacon (2022)

After my 1L year I worked as a Summer Associate at Shook, Hardy, & Bacon in Kansas City, Missouri. Shook is a world-renowned firm that is particularly well-regarded as being among the top civil litigation firms. During my time at Shook in Summer 2022 I learned how the firm operates, attended numerous trainings, completed approximately a dozen projects, and got a front-row seat to watch talented litigators in action. For references related to my work at Shook during the Summer of 2022, please contact me and I will provide the contact information of a supervisor. 

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